Chaos Apocalipse 4.3.4 RATES: X7 & X10
Server 4.3.4 | Rates X7 & X10 | GM's attentive | 24 hours on 7 days a week | 6 months development | recently opened | eager to grow | Arenas 1v1 - 2v2 - 3v3 - 5v5 | BG's | Raids | and much more .. .
Server 4.3.4 | Rates X7 & X10 | GM's attentive | 24 hours on 7 days a week | 6 months development | recently opened | eager to grow | Arenas 1v1 - 2v2 - 3v3 - 5v5 | BG's | Raids | and much more .. .