Lineage2It - Interlude x10 - Break into our fabulous world of Lineage 2 Interlude and show everything you are capable of. WE ARE ALLOWED TO USE A BOT !!! Servers live for years without WIPES. Start: November 28 at 16:00 GMT +3 Chronicles: Interlude Rates: X10 Direction: LowRate+PvP GAME FEATURES: BOT allowed Unique sharpening system Beginner Buffer from level 6 to 40 Buffs / Tanzi / Songs of 20 minutes each The number of slots in the recipe book - 75/75 The number of slots in the inventory - 120/140 Carried weight limit x3 from the standard Number of sub-classes - 3 Mana Potion Restores 500 MP Autoloot from...