ErebosMU Season19 P2-1 NonReset x200 | Open 20th July
🚀 | Grand Opening 20th July - ErebosMU Season 19 Part 2 | Fun Non-Reset 📅 Date: 20.7.2024 - Saturday 📌 12:00 (UTC+2) Poland, Czech 📌 13:00 (UTC+3) Israel 📌 07:00 (UTC-3) Brasil, Argentina 📌 17:00 (UTC+7) Vietnam 🦣 | Monsters will spawn 15 minutes after Grand Opening time. 🎁 | Starter Pack: Seals & Buffs = 5 Days Panda Ring & Pet = 5 Days 1st Lucky Set = 5 Days 1K Ruud & 50mil Zen Starter Pack does not include VIP Need use command /starterpack. Attention: First use the command and then buy the seal/scroll from the x-shop. 💎 | ErebosMU has been on the scene since 2018. After a...