BattleStar Universe - NEW! FAST! BEST! EN,ES,IT,DE,FR,PT,TR,RU

BattleStar Universe - NEW! FAST! BEST! EN,ES,IT,DE,FR,PT,TR,RU

BattleStar Universe - NEW! FAST! BEST! EN,ES,IT,DE,FR,PT,TR,RU

BattleStar Universe is a space strategy game in real time. You can Trade, Fight, Explore the universe and compete with other players from around the world. You only need a normal browser, either on desktop or mobile. Create an economic and military infrastructure. Explore the latest technologies. Wage war against other empires, aliens and pirates. Create alliances and conduct negotiations with the other emperors. Build invincible fleets or planetary defense. The universe is waiting for you! And the Administration team is at your disposal for any help you need.

Vote Statistics

BattleStar Universe - NEW! FAST! BEST! EN,ES,IT,DE,FR,PT,TR,RU
  • Rank
  • Added by
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Published
    2019-04-02 13:42:23
  • Last updated
    2020-06-28 14:46:39
  • Achievements
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