The same interlude server Nostalgia

The same interlude server Nostalgia

The same interlude server Nostalgia

For a long time I played in the lineup, in my youth ... I decided to look for something, good, after analyzing a lot of announcements, there are very few high-quality, normal projects that would not be closed in a week. And I wanted to play for a long time, like the good old ones) I was looking for it recently, according to the criteria: -Interlude -without donation, or without significant donation (runes, PA) -without a lot of online, to farm high content (Epics, heroism, etc.) I stopped on this server ```nostalgia . best``` Lamp pensioners L2 play there, you can go to the easy. Yes, and...

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The same interlude server Nostalgia
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  • Published
    2022-02-03 21:19:01
  • Last updated
    2022-02-23 19:55:39
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