Aquarius Silkroad Online
Aquarius-sro First, rest and take a cup of coffee,.. -Let's Get Started. -Gap 110 -Degree 11 -Race Chinese Europe -Type Pve -Bot Allowed -Max Plus 12 wiho adv +14 with adv -Godblessing -Fortress War Jangan Hotan Bandit -Level Mastery CH 440 , EU 220 -Exp/Sp Medium -Party EXP 2x baserate -Model-Switch Scroll -Battle Arena works -Fortgotten World works -Magic Pop works -New Avatars -Old Avatars -New uniques -pc limits x 4 -job temple/battle arena/fortress war limit x1 -Alchemy Rate x1 -Plus Notice from +8 -Golden Rabbit Event -Titan Uniques Once Every 24h -Hide And...