Wrath+ | WotLK 8x Realm | Transmogrification | End-Game Rewards | +5 Coins on your first account!

Wrath+ | WotLK 8x Realm | Transmogrification | End-Game Rewards | +5 Coins on your first account!

[LIMITED TIME] You can skip leveling and go straight towards the end-game content - for a limited time you can claim free level 80 boost upon registering on any first character you choose! Double XP Weekend is also currently active. Happy bounting everyone! Menethil is a cross-faction high rate realm where we want to improve the experience of World of Warcraft's most popular expansion and patch release: Wrath of the King King (3.3.5) with various quality of life changes and content design changes deemed reasonable. Many changes have been the result of feedback and suggestions from...

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Wrath+ | WotLK 8x Realm | Transmogrification | End-Game Rewards | +5 Coins on your first account!
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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Published
    2021-09-16 14:39:34
  • Last updated
    2021-12-15 17:53:06
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