Shaiya Titan Fire

Shaiya Titan Fire

-Server Information - Episode : 5.4 - Max Level : 80 - EXP Rate : Instant (15/30/60/80 Level) - Kill Rate : 1x/2x With BFR - Shared PvP Kill [only event] - Max Kills : 1.000.000 - HP/SP/MP/DEX Fixed - FPS Booster - Small Buff Icons & Relocatable - In Game Effect On/Off - Working Item mall - Self Party/Auto Drop - Guild with 3 Members - Permanent 30 Day Items - Anti Cheat Security - Anti BoT - 3 Skill bar - Elemental Icon Gear/Weapon - DDos Protection - Auto IP Ban Breaking Security - Max Lapis Lv7 - Free Starter Gears - PvE/PvP Quests - Custom Auction Hall - Custom Interface - Custom...

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Shaiya Titan Fire
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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Published
    2022-04-11 17:52:06
  • Last updated
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