Warrior-Road Online

Warrior-Road Online

Warrior-Road Online

information | Server Cap | 110 Degree | 11 ‎Mastery | 440 Reces Chinese | Europe Silk Free | 10K Exp | Sp Rate 50x Party Exp | Sp Rate 25x Drop Rate 100x Alchemy | Disable Guild Limit | 25 Union | Limit 1 Fortress | JanJan Fortress War | Friday | Monday in the Week Fortress War | Register in Everyday | from TheClock 12:00 AM | To 6.00 PM PC | Unlimted Captcha | Removed CTF | Enabled Arena Manager | Enabled temple Job | Enabled Forgotten | Enabled Holy Water | Enabled Trader Job System | Enabled Magic Pop| Enabled Max Plus| 24 Type Coin Work Silver | Arena | Gold Coin

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Warrior-Road Online
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  • Published
    2019-12-27 21:26:27
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