upsurge ragnarok

upsurge ragnarok

Server Info 10k10kModified Normal Drop Rate 100 MVP Cards 10 Rare Cards 1 Instant Job Changer per account 1 character only Guild Capacity 2424 Ddos Proctection Gepard Shield Protected V 3.0 lgp enabled Mid Rate Server BaseJobLv 255100 Aspd 196 Max Transcendent Jobs FarmPK Server Modified Soul Link effects Balance Skill Delays Balance Jobs Automated and Daily Events Daily Events Hourly Reward Voting System King of Emperium joinkoe Token Quest Break The Seal Quest Endless Tower Thanatos Quest Freebies White Valkyrie Set Doppelganger Card Economy and PK Server

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upsurge ragnarok
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    2018-11-17 19:53:05
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