tranquilitywow 2x rate open beta progressive 3.3.5

tranquilitywow 2x rate open beta progressive 3.3.5

Hey all. Us at project tranquility are requesting players to test our server after been in development for a few months now. What is project tranquility Project tranquillity is a 3.3.5 progressive server. This means that bc and wotlk content is currently locked and the other expansions will be opened as time passes. Dungeon finder is also disabled. This just sounds just like primal wow what makes project tranquility a viable option Me and many of the staff members used to play on primal and we werent happy with how they changed the code to give very high buffs to the bosses in raids....

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tranquilitywow 2x rate open beta progressive 3.3.5
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    2017-03-22 11:44:46
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