Bless Split(need staff)

Bless Split(need staff)

BLESS SPLIT 317!!!! Welcome to Bless Split 317. This is new Pk/eco server. We need a coder who will code our server better! To het money go to stall and steal 20k each time. All bosses working! All minigames working!!! All pk places working!!! Pk points, KC,DC ratio !!!! All specs working!!! PK cape!!! We need someone who create forums and who cade better our server:)) Staff: Owner- Icona Pop Mod- free Mod- free Admin- free Co-Owner- free Donators: Nx69 Item giveaway at 5 players. Item giveaway at 10players. Item giveaway at 20players. Vote= 20m gp Download at:...

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Bless Split(need staff)
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  • Published
    2013-10-22 10:12:11
  • Last updated
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