ReforgeCraft ClassLess

ReforgeCraft ClassLess

ReforgeCraft ClassLess

Enjoy unique ClassLess experience as you create any race/class combination for base and then build on it using spells/talents from any class and whatever stats u choose. There are special commands to help you. Random suffixes and chance of random chants on all items. Enjoy War over perk and teleporting around vanilla maps doing quests from both factions until you hit lvl 15+ then solo dungeon finder, there is custom progression starting at lvl 42+ and lots of custom content. Join our Discord for latest patch and info

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ReforgeCraft ClassLess
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  • Country
    United States
  • Published
    2016-12-21 21:03:53
  • Last updated
    2020-11-01 04:30:30
  • Achievements
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