SeKerS-WoW International 3.3.5a

SeKerS-WoW International 3.3.5a

SekerS-WoW server 3.3.5 is a WotLK! We are a community understanding and supporting all.We will let players fight to win the first player realm achievement ! All achievements first player realm are free including the quest , level ,level 80 , race , etc. The staff will not have level 80 characters before you get your hands on this achievement. We give the opportunity to have AXE Shadowmorune by completing quests !Yes this quest works on our server. Many quests works well,all too many are repaired. You can increase the level and using dungeon,Most dungeons are scripted and repaired we hope...

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SeKerS-WoW International 3.3.5a
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  • Published
    2016-01-14 16:39:15
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