RevoultionSro II Dg 11 II Pve-Pvp II Funny System

RevoultionSro II Dg 11 II Pve-Pvp II Funny System

Cap 110 Dg 11 Pve-Pvp Trade-Coin System FortressJangan-Bandit ArenaEventSoOk Enabled Weekly Events For Big Reward Egy A - Egy B System New Special Items New Effect Chars New Style Effect For Weapons Team Support 247 Friendly People New Uniques Drop Coins Gold Coin From Uniques Arena Coin From Mobs 109 Revo Coin From Shop Special Items by Gold Coin Revo Coin Egy A-EgyB By Arena Coin... Server has Opened 4 Years Ago We Continue In The Fifth Year We Hope You Find Fun With Us .. Regards

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RevoultionSro II Dg 11 II Pve-Pvp II Funny System
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  • Published
    2017-01-22 09:35:21
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