Hello all, I am here to present you my new servers : :D Max level : 120 and will grow with the time to 255 . -Semi-fun (New-School) -Stat : Int /Dex / Vit /Str up to 125 -Skill-Up-With Manu -Systeme Putere -Systeme Costum ~400 -Systeme Energie -New Desing stuff lvl 1 to 80 -New Weapon lvl 1 to 30 -New Skill en Biologist -Afk Bots -Honors Systeme -Stone Systeme -Pets ~150 -New Quest and all quest give you more surprise -Give basic Weapon : Costume / safebox : can give you an item all 12 hours / pets -News Maps And more Donjon -Servers : International servers but the Language is in...